The truth about the world we live in!!!

  • @ilija-gromovnik Alright, then. I'll make some change. Where do I start?

  • @cephalon You can start by spreading the word about this subject , gather as many like minded individuals as you can. There is a lot of things you can do to fight the system and do something good for your family , that is to get as much indeependent from the state as you can , try to buy a piece of land and grow your own healthy food , throw the tv out of your house , stock up on weapons and resources for emergency situation and remove all your money from the bank , do not under any circumstances loan any money from them...those are a few good first steps for you!!!

  • @Ilija-Gromovnik About the guns though... I'm bipolar, so I can't get a gun license. And the whole loan thing isn't easy. It's nearly impossible to get your feet off the ground without loans nowadays... I won't be able to go to college or get a good house.

  • @cephalon You can learn to defend yourself and your family without access to firearms , learn some martial art , how to use a knife , stone or spear ...learn useful activities like survivalism , fishing , hunting etc... I'm aware that it is hard to do something without loans but remmember this system controls us trough debt that is a new form of slavery in the 21st centuary!

  • @Ilija-Gromovnik Alright, I'm in. I'll try to get other people to do the same.

  • @ilija-gromovnik said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @alwaysstranger "Thats just a nice way of saying that you don't care...and do not tarnish the ancient stoics by comparing yourself with them in any way!!!"

    1st you haven't even studied stoicism as much as me. have you read seneca? Have you even studied philosophy before? I'm an expert in philosophy
    2nd you're upset that people aren't helping each other as much as they can be and you're unnecessarily throwing that on me and it actually hurts when you do that and it hurts a lot
    3rd what i was trying to say is that I'm doing my best and plan to continue doing my best but without having an emotional stake in the outcome because if i did have an emotional stake in the outcome I'd go crazy so I'm just acting like stoic and not screaming everytime i remember how fucked up the world is

  • @ilija-gromovnik and I'm feeling that you've automatically assumed that I'm a simple fuckwit for no reason, I've liked most of the things you've said to my friend @Cephalon so before you treat me like shit for no reason hmu, talk to me and get to know me

  • @ilija-gromovnik said in The truth about the world we live in!!!:

    @cephalon "throw the tv out of your house , stock up on weapons and resources for emergency situation and remove all your money from the bank , do not under any circumstances loan any money from them...those are a few good first steps for you!!!"
    "in the end you are nothing more than a simple pawn of the NWO agenda , they adore such pityful ressitance."
    "You can learn to defend yourself and your family without access to firearms , learn some martial art , how to use a knife , stone or spear ...learn useful activities like survivalism , fishing , hunting etc... "

    WOW, that went from 0 to a 100 real quick. I thought you were a good free thinker like me until i read more of your comments and realised that you're a fucking lunatic. I agree with what you're saying about the world... but you're solutions for reform sound like they're coming from a 12 y.o. kid who watched a little too many conspiracy theory videos on youtube. My solutions for reform go more along the lines of changing the education system to teach philosophy at a younger age so that people doubt authority more and shit like that. And you're fucking acting like we're literally in the book by George Orwell "1984" in the book, in the book just for the sake of the story it's just 1 association that is poisoning people while making them believe that they're free but in reality it's not like there is (unnecessary hellsing reference) a mass organised group like the nazis or what you would call illuminati behind closed doors controlling the news... but it's just the fact that ignorance is what rules the world not intelligence and the idiots that control the news, government and other things are just ordinary people who were given more power than they deserve and the power was handed to them by other ignorant people, these people are from everywhere not like what you think which is that they're all from 1 country called illuminati which will kill anybody that realises it's existence. when you think that, then you're ignoring the reality which is that the problem is very out in the open for people to observe and in front of everyones eyes but people are too clouded to see it, by saying that the truth is hidden and until the illuminati is exposed then people will not be able to see the corruption is something that slows down improvement because it's delusional, untrue and just anti-productive. You're still partaking in the biggest cause for evil in the world which is "religion", so i wouldn't expect too much from you anyways

  • @alwaysstranger I never once treated you like shit. I've been extremely understanding of your views, and I haven't once insulted them; simply inquired about them.

  • @cephalon i was talking to @Ilija-Gromovnik , not you. You're great

  • @AlwaysStranger Oh okay. Sorry ;-;

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