• @terroristocrat Same reason Batman keeps filth off the streets of Gotham.

  • @i-am-male your ego is fucking hilarious! I take shits bigger than you kid, sit down before you hurt yourself.

  • @terroristocrat Sounds like your big dumps are compensating for something you don't have :=)

  • @i-am-male this Nagger think he batman and tryna talk about others overcompensating,ROFL. Rich.

  • @i-am-male if you came to hate you're a lil late, when it comes to debate,your trollings not so great. This thread is to ask questions in,not masturbate. I'd call you a buster,but more like a sucker. You just dropped your tweezers,bend over and pucker. If you can't find a clue,at least get a hunch, hell yea I take big shits,eating fools like you for lunch. Your life must be sad,camping here for attention,but you just looking that much worse,begging for redemption. If you got nothing to contribute move on down the road,cuz I don't even pimp,got no use for a busted hoe. mic drop

  • Stop all this hate, it ain't a debate; Came to talk with a nerd, instead found a big turd; Your rhythm's all broken, not sure what you're smokin'; You're full of shit already, so eatin you don't need to be; It's your post, your attention, stealing from you was never the intention; All I'm here for is to lay down the facts, not listen to your shitty life hacks; I'll take you on any day any month, just don't tell me later that you've run out of umph;

  • @i-am-male lol it took you that long and THATS the best you could overedit it? Lmao you need to quit trying to be me bc you couldn't pull it off on your best day and my worst. If you were anything you'd go me a post instead of lingering where you aren't wanted,dragging your ass on the carpet. I'm done with you,go ahead and have the last word so your vagina quits hurting,lol

  • @terroristocrat Scared because you can't come up with something better? Can't find anything to cut and paste? Guess you're not just a fake nerd, you're just a fake in general.

  • Haha this is the best battle I have seen in hours! "I Am Male" totally demolished his opposition with facts.
    He also continued to dominate Terroristocrat in rhymes which were above average at most.

  • This post is deleted!

  • Now start finding out IF... It makes you more happy to be smart....
    I myself am not english native and only average smart . Not like you giants.
    Lets se if you can find how they define happy in this study. Also, can you find other studies that display similar or other results?

    Hint, there are more

    For now will give you a summary of a huge study done on this that you can further read on: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/psychological-medicine/article/relationship-between-happiness-and-intelligent-quotient-the-contribution-of-socioeconomic-and-clinical-factors/852640AC984DB7EC623D9D2C1A2D0A5A/core-reader

    Also be advised, try to keep a good mood while doing this, since its fun.

    Background. Happiness and higher intelligent quotient (IQ) are independently related to positive health outcomes.
    However, there are inconsistent reportrs about the relationship between IQ and happiness. The aim was to examine
    the association between IQ and happiness and whether it is mediated by social and clinical factors.

    Method. The authors analysed data from the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey in England. The participants
    were adults aged 16 years or over, living in private households in 2007. Data from 6870 participants were included in
    the study. Happiness was measured using a validated question on a three-point scale. Verbal IQ was estimated using
    the National Adult Reading Test and both categorical and continuous IQ was analysed

    RESULTS. Happiness is significantly associated with IQ. Those in the lowest IQ range (70–99) reported the lowest
    levels of happiness compared with the highest IQ group (120–129). Mediation analysis using the continuous IQ
    variable found dependency in activities of daily living, income, health and neurotic symptoms were strong mediators
    of the relationship, as they reduced the association between happiness and IQ by 50%

    CONCLUSSIONS. Those with lower IQ are less happy than those with higher IQ. Interventions that target modifiable
    variables such as income (e.g. through enhancing education and employment opportunities) and neurotic symptoms
    (e.g. through better detection of mental health problems) may improve levels of happiness in the lower IQ groups.

    This study was submitted and then revised seeeeeeeeeeeeee belowwwww
    Received 19 December 2011 ; Revised 30 July 2012 ; Accepted 7 August 2012 ; First published online 24 September 2012