• Music Lovers

    You have many talents,
    of that I am sure.
    Your dreams are beautiful,
    innocent and pure.

    Use your imagination,
    to learn and explore.
    Just like a bird,
    you'll be able to soar.

    You're still very young,
    and have some much ahead.
    Your love for life,
    may you joyously spread.

    The paths that you choose,
    I'll support and believe.
    If you commit in your mind,
    you shall definitely achieve.

    Remember to smile,
    each morning and day.
    Feed your mind with books,
    and body through play.

    Don't pay attention,
    to trends or mere fashions.
    Use your heart and imagination,
    to follow dreams and your passions.

  • Great work bruh

  • Music Lovers

    @ragnar-lothbrok thanks a lot bruh..

  • @one yo welcome hommie